SciLor's DHCP Reset
Release 1
Set your desired network interfaces to DHCP after each boot.

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SciLor's DHCP Reset is a tool that allows you to reset specific network interfaces to dhcp.
With "SciLors DHCP Reset Config.exe" you can configurate which interfaces to reset. "SciLors DHCP Reset.exe" will reset those interfaces then (With an UAC prompt, because we need admin rights for that) Additionally you can add a task to your system which will allow you to run the app automatically on each boot/wakeup of your system and run it without the need of an UAC confirmation.
I created this app, because I hated it to reset my network interfaces manually to dhcp if I connect to a new network. Also "Active Connections" by Lenovo had problems with setting ip/gateway/dns when the network interface is not in dhcp mode.
Thanks fly out to the creator of the Managed TaskScheduler DLL ("Microsoft.Win32.TaskScheduler.dll").
With "SciLors DHCP Reset Config.exe" you can configurate which interfaces to reset. "SciLors DHCP Reset.exe" will reset those interfaces then (With an UAC prompt, because we need admin rights for that) Additionally you can add a task to your system which will allow you to run the app automatically on each boot/wakeup of your system and run it without the need of an UAC confirmation.
I created this app, because I hated it to reset my network interfaces manually to dhcp if I connect to a new network. Also "Active Connections" by Lenovo had problems with setting ip/gateway/dns when the network interface is not in dhcp mode.
Thanks fly out to the creator of the Managed TaskScheduler DLL ("Microsoft.Win32.TaskScheduler.dll").
Release 1(2011-12-20) -Initial Release